
I'm Kerri and I live in Boston, MA with my handsome manfriend Chris and our adorable yorkie terrier Remington Carlisle IV - or Remy for short. 

I started this blog as an outlet to feed my ridiculous shopping habit. For me there's nothing better than putting together the perfect outfit you've been crafting in your head or finding that perfect pair of neon pumps at half price. Shopping online or in-store is my favorite way to unwind from my 9-5. 

Speaking of my 9-5, working in finance harshly limits my wardrobe in the department of acceptable work attire. This blog gives me a chance to style and wear all my favorite outfits that get banned to my closet Monday through Friday. 

I hope you like what you see and feel inspired to wear some of the outfits you've been saving for the perfect occasion. I think everyone's sense of style is unique and at the end of the day, there really are no rules. Just do you - you go girl. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see some work outfits... I work in a conservative environment, too, but like to add a little flair when I can! I'd love some ideas!
